Remote Energy Healing Session

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Energy Healing can help with releasing past traumas, weight loss, physical ailments and dis-eases, injuries, emotional issues, blockages preventing you from moving forward, chronic illnesses, accessing creativity, letting go of old patterns, and being a more authentic expression of your soul and this life's gifts, among other things.

I started out with Master Reiki attunement a few years ago and have since trained in Pranic Healing and Healing with the Frequencies of Flowers. I also work with other healing energy like Angels and Nature Devas, Violet Flame, Light Body Healing, Christ Consciousness Energy, and a few gifts that are unique to me personally. I can also perform Cord Cuttings if there is an association in your life that you would like to energetically separate from.

I channel everything for the Highest Good of everyone involved, so you will never receive more than you can handle, only what is right for your healing and your soul's path at this moment. This energy is not specific to any religion or practice, it is Divine Universal Energy from God/Source.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

Reiki is a energy healing modality that enables us to move the energy (chi, prana) around in the body, remove stagnations, and replace foreign energy with Universal Divine Energy. This can have a lot of different effects depending on the individual ranging from relaxation, physical, emotional or spiritual healing, deep emotional release, inspiration and more. All physical ailments also have an emotional/spiritual counterpart in the aura, so when we heal the energy field, we heal the body as well.

For your session I will need your full name and location. This is part of having energetic consent to connect to you remotely for the session. I will ask if there is anything in particular you would like for me to work on. You may lay down or relax during the time frame that I am healing you, or I can set the intention for you to receive the energy later when you get comfortable and say "I receive". Energy is quantum, so time and distance do not matter. I will scan your body, clearing your chakras and your energy field/aura of any foreign energy, refilling you with divine healing energy. If you have a particular physical/mental ailment, I can use a Pranic Healing Protocol to address the chakras/body parts associated with that dis-ease. I ask your guides and angels for direction to see and heal whatever best serves you at this moment. Afterwards, I will report back to you with anything I felt, observed, or was directed to relay to you. Sometimes this is things like words of encouragement, lifestyle suggestions, affirmations or even supplements.

It is advised that you don't use alcohol or other mind altering substances for 24 hours before and after the session (or at least 3 before and after). If you are going to ingest something within 24 hours, please let me know, so I can set an intention accordingly. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions:

My youtube channel also has some meditation videos if you would like to work on healing yourself!

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40-60 minute Remote Energy Healing Session

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Remote Energy Healing Session

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